
Use of Glycolysis-Enhancing Drugs and Risk of Parkinson's Disease

**Background:** Terazosin (TZ) and closely related α1-adrenergic receptor antagonists (doxazosin [DZ] and alfuzosin [AZ]) enhance glycolysis and reduce neurodegeneration in animal models. Observational evidence in humans from several databases …

Association of Glycolysis-Enhancing α-1 Blockers With Risk of Developing Parkinson Disease

**Importance:** Parkinson disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease. A treatment that prevents or delays development of PD is a critical unmet need. Terazosin and closely related drugs were recently discovered to enhance glycolysis and …

Enhancing glycolysis attenuates Parkinson's disease progression in models and clinical databases

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common neurodegenerative disease that lacks therapies to prevent progressive neurodegeneration. Impaired energy metabolism and reduced ATP levels are common features of PD. Previous studies revealed that terazosin (TZ) …